Large fruit that has the size and shape of a cannonball. A definite eye catcher, the cannonball fruits grow en masse from stalks surrounding the trunk of the large tree. Description: A large tree, up to 50-75ft tall. Flowers (followed by fruit), grow directly from the trunk. Fruits are soft and very fleshy.
Hardiness: It will only grow in tropical zones and is very susceptible to frost.
Growing Environment: Provide lots of water and humidity for optimal growth.
Propagation: By seeds.
Uses: Fruits are edible and are occasionally eaten, but the smell of the white flesh discourages most people from trying them. On the other hand, the flowers have a wonderful smell and can be used to scent perfumes and cosmetics. The hard shells of the fruit are sometimes used as containers.
Native Range: Native to rainforest of the Guiana's in Northeastern South America.
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